PEO – POOH (72 KM)
Pooh, Himachal
The eighth day of me being on the road. I had surpassed
all my previous travel experiences by a long haul as I got myself all geared up
for a very crucial day of the trip. We woke up by 0430 hrs and by 0515 hrs we
were ready to roll. The sleep was comfortable till about two thirty in the
night but after that maybe because of the cold I really could not sleep and was
tossing and turning waiting or the night to end.
We soon approached the Pangi Nullah site by 0600
hrs and we were the second car to reach so I parked the INDOMITABLE right up at
the starting line. The weather was perfect but I was aghast to see that there were
still sporadic rocks tumbling down. This really did not look good so early in
the morning with hardly any wind. Suddenly a few rocks changed their course and
one of them damaged the windscreen of the vehicle just in front of us. This
made me immediately back up a bit and wait for the BRO team to arrive.
The BRO team arrived by 0815 hrs and were on job
by 0830 hrs.Slowly the number of people started to increase. The progress of
the road clearing was again slow just like the previous day as the rock slide
just did not abate sufficiently to make any substantial progress. Slowly the
moment of decision started approaching as I had to make up my mind as to what
was going to be my next step. By 0930 hrs I decided to back up the car so that
in case I needed to head back I could before the entire road behind me got
filled up. So accordingly I backed up quite behind relinquishing my earlier spot.
My companion was all for heading back and kept urging me to turn back and make
up for the lost time and at that point of time that was most logical step to
Soon the foreigner group too arrived and after
spending some half an hour the decision was made by the guide to head back
towards Manali and the drivers started reversing their Innovas.I wanted to tag
along with them as this was a good opportunity because I was not clear of the
route and so I told them that I would soon catch up and headed back towards the
car, my decision to turn back made up. As my mind was grappling with the
changes and numerous other details that now needed to be worked out, I decided
for the last time to head to the rock slide to have a look.
Accordingly I signaled my companion that we were
heading back I moved ahead for one last time. Suddenly hope sprung up like a
geyser of warm water gushing upwards as my eyes saw that the rock slide had
abated for about 10 -15 min and the BRO crew were working like people possessed
to regain control of the situation from both sides. I now knew that there was
not going to be anymore turning back for a small hope is all one needs to cling
to in a helpless situation.
Soon the vehicles from the other end which were
carrying fresh produce meant for the markets were rushing over unmindful as to
what was being hit on the undercarriage of the vehicles .The clearance was very
bad, for the more time the JCB worked in clearing the rubble the shorter would
be the window available for the crossing over. I rushed back and informed my
companion that we were going to move AHEAD!!!
Soon it was my turn to move ahead and I just did
moved ahead praying that the rocks did not take the undercarriage off and that
no stone should come flying from above. In a matter of minutes I was across and
moving ahead negotiating the oncoming vehicles trying to cross over for everyone
knew that the rocks slide was just taking a breather and would resume soon
The road past the rock slide was straight from
out of this world , I will not use the word Hell for I still loved the road
however it was but it is true that it was no road for a vehicle and much less
for a sedan. Absolutely filled with loose stones it needed a constant focus on the
road and to move ahead in the first and second gears. A few kms ahead we decided
to stop and clean up the car and also take a breather. I performed a quick check
under the car and observed nothing abnormal. We came across numerous signboards
informing us that we were travelling on the most treacherous road in the world
though in my opinion this would be one among the top five treacherous roads in
the world.As the saying goes ," interesting people are met only on roads less travelled" and so it happened that i met Akshay near Kharo bridge and a friendship has sparked off which holds the promise to grow and age with time.A biker by soul his travels are worth emoluting and i wish him numerous more journeys to come in the days ahead.
The IDOMITABLE really took a hammering in terms
of the suspension continuously working to stabilize the car but barring three
odd occasions till date the sump guard had still not made contact with the road
and I was amazed as well as pleased with this. There were three more rock
slides ahead and we had with us a local whom I had given a lift who helped us
in negotiating and also identifying these areas. So I was mighty glad that I had
him with me. There were tense moments when we were crossing these areas for
there was no BRO presence to warn of any incoming rock and so my companion had
his eyes stuck to the horizon as we were crossing the area.
We reached Spillow by 1225 hrs crossing Akpa
check post ,Moorang( a great village to visit but I could not , surrounded by
apple and apricot orchards) and Ribba Villages and Pooh Village by 1515 hrs.There
is an army help post just before Pooh where they offer on the house
refreshments for those wishing for the same. A small gesture but then it goes a
long way in making an impression. The drive through Pooh village had to be done for the other road skirting the village was under repair at that point of time
and for me that drive through the village was the most challenging of the trip
till date. The road was extremely narrow and of a very steep incline that I was
in first gear constantly and hoping against hope that I don’t have to stop for I
knew that I would be able to move forward if the car stopped .As luck would
have it I encountered oncoming traffic and I had no option but to reverse and
reversing on the narrow twisting road took its toll on me as well as the
INDOMITABLE for at many places I had to move ahead again to align the car and
then continue reversing. Finally on one occasion I just could not reverse a
particular tricky part however hard I tried and I ended up burning the clutch
on more than one occasion. The car was now stalled and I just could not move
ahead or behind. The oncoming traffic kept building up and seeing my
predicament a local driver offered to help.i I immediately agreed and he in no
time showed me how much more I still have to learn in driving skills.
I swore never to enter the town again for the
danger in driving on that particular road.Finally we were able to complete our
path through the village honking most of the time to warn the other cars that
there was oncoming traffic. We then reached our destination –OM GUEST HOUSE
which actually is a very well maintained place with spacious rooms and comfortable.
The car was grimy like me after the drive and I was aware that today’s drive
had taken a lot out of the INDOMITABLE but it had really performed very well at
all sections of the drive and any fault encountered was actually mine .There
was something which did happened which was going to influence the events the
following days. As I had a habit of checking the car undercarriage every few
hours for any abnormal signs, around 10 kms before Pooh I noticed black oil
drops dripping from near the area of the oil sump. I immediately examined the
drop and concluded that it was too clean to be engine oil so that narrowed the
source of leakage to either the brake fluid or the power steering fluid and
both were bad news for I was carrying spare for engine oil and coolant but not
the above two.
Anyways to understand it better I jacked up the
car on the road itself and got underneath to see the source of leakage. The
source seemed coming from the axle line so I was thinking that it could be the
brake oil .Anyways with a bad feeling I drove to Pooh and found a mechanic shop
where the single guy informed me that the head mechanic was out towards Kaza
and taking a look at the leak he said that the gear box oil was leaking out.
This was really bad news because of all the parts the gear box had to be filled
with oil at all times and the gears had to be kept lubricated.
Reaching the guest house I used the hotel owner’s
phone and called up the service centre at Mumbai and explained my predicament and
I was informed that to continue driving the car in this state was highly not
recommended and that in case of a seizure of the gears the car would just become
totally immobile within fraction of a second. This statement did not help me
one bit for here I was in the middle of a place that was away from all possible
means of support or help especially for the Logan which was just not visible
out in these parts. I was really perplexed as to how to sort this issue for no
immediate solutions were coming. Was the trip going to end this way?? I don’t know
for going ahead meant risking the car and getting in to a situation which would
be infinitely worse than what I was presently in .The Mahindra help line did
not help either because the poor guys on the help line just could not locate
the area I was in on their computer and were telling me names of service centers
that were so far that they might as well be on the moon itself.
Anyway I decided to do something and wanted to find
out the source of the leakage to see if I could use some kind of an adhesive to
plug it. Seeing me tinkering on the car I was approached by a god send help in
the form of Mr Lamaji by all who stood by my side for the
next three hours calling all whom he knew who could provide assistance. At all
time he kept encouraging me stating that I could make the trip till Manali comfortably.
I had no heart in telling him that I was not planning to cross the Kunzum pass
and my itinerary was retracing the same path back to Barog after I reached
The news by this time had spread of an out
station car in trouble and I was visited by all sorts of friendly people
offering advice and words of encouragement. Finally it was turning dark and I resolved
that I would continue to Kaza the next day and that I would keep topping up the
gear box with gear oil every one hour. The decision to go back on the same
route was also shelved for in this condition of the car I just could not go
back on the same path from which I had come.
That evening I was close to despair for quite
some time for I was just not sure what path and deciosion I had to take for my
hands were tied due to lack of resources and circumstances. But I thank God
that I had people like my companion and Lamaji who though could not help me
technically yet were pillars of support in encouragement. That evening I spent
sitting and talking to Lamaji and his friends on Buddhism and the positivity
that it bought to all. As I write this down I realized that I was content that
evening in that company to be there not sure of what lay in store the next day
or the days ahead, what hardships I was supposed to undergo yet my heart had
calmed down and I was slowly but surely having a feeling of peace and
tranquility sitting on that bench with Lamaji in the gathering chilly night.
Final Odometer for the day. RECKONG PEO : 56830 –
POOH : 56902
IN GOD !!! |
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